+212 699-152 076

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Produits et services garantis

Leader du marché

Installation en 72 heures

11 ans d'expérience

eco-responsible journey

Climate change would no longer be inevitable if sustainable development were not just a choice.

Evaluate, diagnose, and enhance your energy efficiency with our specialized audit. We identify your opportunities, propose customized solutions, and help your business thrive in a green economy.


Discover COREAS, Pioneers of Solar Energy.

Since 2003, COREAS HIGH TECH has positioned itself at the forefront of technologies applied to industry and the environment by providing its clients with the most innovative solutions.

Our Mission

Illuminating the Green Path

At the heart of our work since 2003, COREAS HIGH TECH is dedicated to transforming energy challenges into business opportunities for our clients. We are committed to helping companies integrate sustainable development into their strategy, by providing cutting-edge technological solutions to optimize their energy efficiency.

Our Vision

Building a Sustainable Future

COREAS HIGH TECH aspires to a future where every company, regardless of size or sector, will be a key player in green change. We envision a world where sustainable development is no longer an option, but a standard adopted by all. Together, let’s build this future.


Our Flagship Products for a Green Future

COREAS high tech offers its clients an all-in-one residential solution for generating clean electricity from solar energy. This solution combines PV panels, a Monophasic or Triphasic hybrid inverter, a storage system, a monitoring system, and an optional electric vehicle charger.

Contact Us

Are you ready to embrace a greener and more sustainable future? We are here to guide you at every step.